Most immigrants agree with the long hours and low- pay, .
this is what makes the unemployment rate to diminish. Immigrant workers for sure .
increase the competitiveness for both local and international industries. Most of these .
high-paying immigrants are multilingual, with various degrees and with international .
knowledge. These immigrants increase payments, multiply the number of jobs for both .
Americans and other immigrants. So, there is no reason for natives to worry, or is there? .
The National Immigration Forrum explains, "the whole job stealing jobs is a myth. .
Almost all the relevant research has found that immigrants do not displace native .
workers." It said. "In truth Immigrants workers stimulate local economies, create jobs .
and pay far more in taxes than they receive in public services. Those who oppose this .
theory conclude that immigrants displace more than 1 million natives in 1992, and those .
Americans displaced cost the U.S $6.1 billion dollars annually from immigrant .
competition. Both of these views were based on costs and unemployment, but another .
chapter in this issue, is the education element. .
How far should we go to educate our immigrant's children? As more .
Immigrants pour in the United States, more and more immigrant children enter the U.S .
schools. Many critics argue that educating immigrants are too expensive. All in all the .
U.S spends $175-200 million annually on bilingual programs. These bilingual programs .
cost $650 a year for each student. Keep in mind that there are over two million immigrant .
students enrolled in the U.S schools. Just think if the United States took $1 billion we .
spend educating illegal immigrants in California Schools, it would allow us to put anew .
computer on every 5th grader school desk. Still there are many factors that many people .
realize when constructing their opinion. When educating immigrant children we teach .
they laws and rules of the American country.