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Design Of A Maths Program

I remember the MAB blocks being available at the back of the classroom for those students who were struggling. Most children weren't game to get up to get them as this indicated you were having a problem and usually got kept in at lunchtime. There was very little support given by the teacher to actually use anything to help gain an understanding of what we were supposed to be learning. We didn't need to understand what we were learning; we just had to know it. Perhaps if I wasn't such a quiet student, there may have been further opportunities for me. In the upper grades of primary school I remember some discovery excursions usually to do with measuring. We were always sent in groups of about 5 so of course some led, I followed. The quiet, well behaved students were the ones who missed out. There was never any time given to construct our own learning individually. Far too often, I sat back and watched. I was never encouraged to do otherwise. I don't think the teachers really noticed.
             I was able to complete the tasks assigned quite well and even enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it did not lay a good foundation for high school. I managed to pass until senior, and then fell by the wayside. I never enjoyed mathematics, though I didn't dislike it until high school. It was just what I had to do. My grade 11-mathematics teacher tried to make learning fun. He had a much better approach to learning, but by then it was far too late.
             Any mathematics program for young children should be designed using a PPP (Play based, Problem solving, Purposeful experiences) approach. I will be focusing on how this approach will benefit the developing numeracy skills of children from 2 to 4 years of age. Children in this age group are active, curious and enjoy immersing themselves in pretend play. Many opportunities to increase math concept development present themselves to young children during their play experiences.

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