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Democrat-Republican Tax Plans

The wealthiest people of course make the most money, so the overall cut is higher. High tax cuts can put the future economy in trouble. High tax cuts make for less money to pay off the national debt. This debt will continue to grow, and get bigger every year. In the 10 years that bush's plan will exist where will the national debt be? Simple math will tell us that the nation's deficit will grow. And really it is a proven fact it will grow unless we pay down on the deficit. So in ten years will a growing deficit benefit the economy? The democrat's plan is only 1/5 of the proposed 670 billion in tax cuts proposed by the republicans.
             Of the 670 billion dollars proposed by the republicans, a little of half of the total over the ten year period is going towards eliminating the dividend's tax to investors. This is the most controversial proposed tax cut made by bush. This is the biggest cut area, and only affects the richest people. .
             Let's look at 401k retirement plans. These plans will not receive a boost in the republican's tax plan. You would have to pay taxes on the money, even if it was built with a tax-free dividends. 401k retirement plans are offered to many people that do not directly work with the stock market. But they will not benefit from the tax-free dividend, even if a 401k plan is relying on stocks that do benefit. 410k plans are now used by many people that will not see the majority of benefits from Bush's plan. .
             The Republican plan is focused on one thing; bring the economy out of recession. This is definitely a problem that does need addressing at this time. But the tax plan proposed is doing nothing for the economy foundation. Metaphorically speaking the republican plan is building a high rise on a crumbling foundation. The foundation may not be able to support the proposed aim; building the economy; if the little things are not addressed. The democrats plan has taken a bottom up approach.

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