position to be accepting phone calls. Jay18: Well then you can just.
e-mail me. OK. Fire-Shade: [disconnects]1.
The cult member makes the young boy feel as though he does care about his.
problems, and wants to make this boy's life better. Fire-Shade conveys his.
family as an entity not as many different individuals. After feeling alone.
for many years the only persuasion some individuals need is the assurance.
that they will be part of a society and accepted unconditionally. Cult.
members know what type of individuals feel most alienated and alone, says.
Dr. Lorna Goldberg, a New Jersey psychoanalyst.
No one plans to join a cult unless they see that cult as a possibility for.
a family, or a better society. Cults target people in transition-- college.
students away from home for the first time, people who have moved to new.
cities for jobs, those who have just been divorced or widowed. Usually.
individuals 16 to 25 or 35 to 40. The vast majority of members are merely.
looking for a sense of community and belonging, during a difficult time in.
their lives.2.
Cults provide an ersatz social unit, which takes them in, nurtures them and.
reinforces the cult's worldview. By the time that most cult members realize.
that this cult isn't what they had expected, it is too late, because they.
are already too afraid to leave. Recruiters are not the only way that.
potential members are enticed into cults, often their literature is.
powerful enough.
Cult novels, pamphlets and websites draw in potential cult members by.
appealing to their desperate need to socially fit in. Often if a piece of.
cult literature is written correctly it convinces the most logical mind of.
the most absurd reasoning, like this pamphlet by the Heavens Gate cult.
The generally accepted "norms" of today's societies - world over - are.
designed, established, and maintained by the individuals who were at one.
time "students" of the Kingdom of Heaven- "angels" in the making- who.