become Muslims , but the Turks made it very difficult for Christians to reach the holy.
places. The Turks decided to continue their reign of terror. In 1095, Byzantine Emperor.
Alexius I Comnenus asked Urban II ( The pope of the Roman Catholic Church) for.
assistance in fighting the Turks. Urban II agreed with two goals in mind. The first was to.
defend Christianity against the Muslims and second to recover the Holy Land. .
The first crusade was initiated by Pope Urban II and occurred during 1095-1099.
On November 27, 1095, Pope Urban preached to his followers outside the city of.
Clermont about the action which he felt needed to take place. He talked about how God.
would lead the way because they would be doing his work. Pope Urban urged action to.
take place. In response to his speech, the people cheered and planned their crusade to.
regain control of the lost city. Urban brought all the bishops and asked them to encourage.
their friends and villagers to take part in the expedition. Small groups began to form, each.
planning their own path to Constantinople. That was where they would meet and form.
unity. Their plan was to attack the Turkish forces in Constantinople and regain control of.
the city. The Christian armies conversed with the Byzantium emperor, Alexius I.
Comnenus, and agreed to return any of the old land that was recaptured. The armies were.
unsure about this agreement, but they agreed to the treaty anyway. The first attack by the.
crusaders was on the Turkish capital, Anatolian. During that same time , the Byzantians.
were also making an attempt to regain the city of Anatolian. The Byzantians used the.
crusades to their advantage to achieve their goal in capturing the city. Later in the year,.
Anatolian surrendered the city to the Byzantians, not the crusaders. The crusaders then.
met again and together defeated the Turkish army, making a great victory. Afterwards, the.
crusaders went and captured the city of Antioch, and then moved on to their primary goal,.