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Corporal Punishment

80% also agreed with the following statement: "Parents should spank their children when appropriate to teach a lesson."" 93% of those polled were spanked as children. .
             -Atlanta Journal 17Nov2002.
             "Kids who are spanked are better behaved, become better adults, and have better relationships with their parents."" - Bill Eidson. (Corpun.com).
             The most popular argument against the use of corporal punishment is that children grow up violent toward others. .
             An Internet survey conducted amongst those spanked as children resulted in the following: 74% believed that their parents were right in spanking them. 87% did not consider themselves violent people. 96% had never committed a violent crime. 59% had never gotten into a physical fight with others. 70% did not consider themselves angry people. 85% said that as a child spanking did not make them feel as if it was acceptable to hit others. This survey was conducted amongst 15,133 people ranging in age from 15-69. (www.misterpoll.com).
             The public by a 2-1 margin approves of spanking children in principle, and half of parents say they sometimes do it to their own kids, an ABCNEWS poll found. (ABCnews.com 8Nov2002).
             Sixty-five percent of Americans approve of spanking children, a rate that has been steady since 1990. (ABCnews.com 8Nov2002) This ABCNEWS poll was conducted by telephone Oct. 25-29 among a random national sample of 1,015 adults.
             States that allow spanking in school actually have numerous rules and restrictions on how it's done.
             The policies are designed through public hearings at which parents, business people, and others outside the school system are brought in to help shape the guidelines. (Corpun.com).
             Some of the guidelines are as follows:.
             -No spanking in front of other students.
             -Number of swats should be specified.
             -Person administering punishment must be school administrator.
             -Must be a witness present.
             -Corporal punishment should be the last resort.

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