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             Confucius grew up in China where royal traditions were taken very .
             Confucius, because of political conflict, left China and traveled throughout the world. While doing this he attracted followers, disciples who believed in work. Confucius's teachings are called Analects which show great meaning. The two teachings that stand out in my mind are in book three. .
             The first teaching is how Confucius talks about how much more actions mean then words. He says "I used to take on a man's deeds after having listened to his words. Now having listened to a man's words I go on to observe his deeds." In this quote he says that people can procrastinate about what they do and what they are going to do. Words mean nothing until they are acted out physically. Anyone can say they are going to do something; it's the person that puts these words into action that makes the better person.
             The second teaching that stands out is how people should be generous to one another. Everyone should want to help someone in need because if you were the person in need of assistance you would want someone to be kind enough to offer their help. You should not worry about material objects but about human life. Confucius say's, "I should like to share my carriage and horses, clothes, and furs with my friends, and have no regrets even if they become worn.".
             Confucius has meaning in all his work. I find it sometimes difficult to understand but if you sit and think about it, his teachings have meaning and can be applied to life.

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