The coach-athlete relationship is that of a mentor, a friend, and a teacher. Coaches play an important role in helping form the person that you are today.
According to Schinke (2000), coaches are significant adult role models in student-athletes lives and play an important role in the total development of the student-athlete. Young (2000) mentioned that coaches must help student-athletes build character. Coaches with character will use their power to give athletes sincere praise and positive reinforcement, provide constructive feedback, discipline a player without humiliation or embarrassment to the student-athlete, and provide emotional support and guidance when needed. Being a coach and a mentor is what allows an individual and a team to reach their full potential. The coach-athlete, if you think about it, is a perfect relationship. They both have the same goals, and they both want to win. It is these common interests that make the coach-athlete relationship so important. .
For some athletes, coaches are like a second set of parents. They tell athletes what to do, discipline them if they do something wrong, and listen to their problems. Many athletes are so involved with their coach, that they consider them a friend. A personal bond develops between the coach and athlete, one of similar goals, common interests, and achievements (Young, 2000). As coaches build relationships with athletes, they may begin sharing more about their lives. Once the athletes know that the coaches are there for them, the role as a coach becomes a lot easier. It is this building of trust that the mentoring portion of coaching comes in. According to Schinke (2000), coaching is more of the technical part of the relationship; giving instructions, advice, and talking about what needs to be worked. Mentoring is more of the personal side of it. It is being a figure that the athlete can look up to and respect.