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             If the experimentation of cloning continues in the United States, scientists have the ability to clone body organs that could replace a person's damaged organs. This would prove to be most helpful for organ transplant patients. Doctors and scientists would be able to clone an existing kidney, which would create the possibility for a fully operating organ to be transplanted into a patient rather than from a donor. Cloning has implications for conquering diseases such as Parkinson's disease, cancer and many other major deadly diseases. .
             Cell-based therapy with the fusion of a single nucleus to an egg can treat certain diseases (Andrews, 87). Researchers have found that heritable diseases cause a lot of early deaths in many Americans. On average, two million Americans die each year and the statistics show the impact. 750,000 die from heart diseases, 500,000 from different types of cancer, and 150,000 die as a cause of strokes. Approximately 70% of these deaths are related to genetic conditions that may have been prevented (92). Using cloning to save people from their failing organs and genetic illnesses would benefit many by giving them the opportunity to live healthier, longer lives. .
             There are millions of Americans living today with many of these mentioned diseases. Those with objections to the use of cloning to better these people's lives obviously haven't put themselves in the position of anyone who could potentially be saved by these new techniques.
             These medical techniques cannot only be used to benefit humans, but animals may be able to be saved as well. Full animal cloning could be used to increase the population of endangered species of animals, and thus save them from total extinction. This would help maintain a natural balance on the earth and have a continuous natural life cycle. Say you had a family dog that has been in your family for 20 years. This dog becomes like another family member.

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