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Pet Peeves

I respect their beliefs, as long as they respect mine. I've especially had problems with Christians in the past. Now, I realize that this is the dominant religion in this country, but does that mean that the United States in its entirety has to have this belief system? No, and I don't think that some Christians understand that. Conversations I've had with obsessive Christians usually consist of me asking about a controversial topic, and them practically cramming passages from the Bible down my throat in order for me to see their views. I"m sorry, but they will have to give me more proof than a mistranslated, thousand year old book. The issues that I've found really get them going, are homosexuality, evolution, and the basic question of whether or not God is real. Some of them are quite amusing really; however I just don't like how they never give another religion a look. They already have it stuck in their mind that their religion is right and every other religion is the work of the devil. .
             I had a rather entertaining experience with one of these Christians a short time back. I was with my sister visiting our cousin in Cincinnati, and there was a missionary outside of the hotel we were staying in. As my sister and I walked past him, he stopped us and handed us a pamphlet about the Christian religion. I immediately gave it back to him, apologized, and told him I was an atheist and planned on staying one. Instantly, he got .
             defensive and started preaching that I was "going to hell" and that I was "the ultimate.
             sinner for not believing in the Holy Spirit." I can grasp the fact in my mind that his job is to try and convert people to Christianity, but if someone refuses, he shouldn't force it on them. Hopefully, he is one of few missionaries that do this. .
             On the other hand, I know that not all Christians are like this. I admire their ability to believe in a higher power, even if I just don't see the logic in it.

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