utmost importance love them. Louisa was strong in her facts and facts guided her through her.
life. She attempted to use the facts as her father wished and forget about childhood fancies. In.
her somber state she pleased her father. Louisa did this until she could no longer function in the.
lifeless and dead world that she had created around her. Louisa gave up all childhood fancies and.
dismissed childhood fancies for little boys and girls. She tried to live in a fact-filled world where.
rationale was the law. Her marriage was not for love but for her father. Her life with Bounderby,.
her husband, was practical and sensible. Louisa's imagination haunted her until she could no.
longer take it. She had built a wall around herself in an effort to escape all of the childhood fancy.
she had ignored. Eventually this wall crumbled and she ran home to her father. As she rested at.
home she realized that her loss was not totally in vain. She and her father amended, for he told.
her that she was always his favorite. In this trying time, during the dissolution of her marriage and.
the breakdown of her persona, a part of Louisa began to mend so that she could become whole. .
After the restoration of her self, Louisa would then be able to begin the life she wanted with a.
family. She would begin again with her father's love.
In a very different way Sissy Jupe tried to appease the wounds inflicted by her father. She.
did so by not believing that he left her, rather he left for her. Sissy held onto a bottle of ailment in.
hope that her father would return to her and continued to believe that his leaving was for her and.
her education. This physical and tangible item, the bottle, kept her convinced of his return. The.
conviction she had gave her solace and kept her spirits alive. For one day her father, whom she.
loved so much, would return to her realizing he could not ass another dreadful day without her. .
In her efforts to please her father, Sissy tried wholeheartedly to become educated in Gradgrind's.