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As sales reach a threshold volume website expenses reduce sper unit sale. Thus in the long run CD price will be cheaper for end customer but still more expensive than the wholesale price.
             b. If website is owned by record company: .
             i. Structure: distribution division supplies stock to customer directly, through a sub-division or a logistics company. .
             ii. Economics: No retail expenses. Distribution expenses come down as this expense is now limited to moving stock to company warehouses. Internet website expenses will come into picture. In this scenario reaching threshold is more difficult as company may not stock exhaustive list of records from other companies like a retail showroom has. Thus website operating expenses will be high per unit. Prices will be comparable to physical sales.
             2. Downloaded music:.
             a. Structure: In this model there is no manufacturing, distribution, retailers, but there is a new division -digital distribution. Other structure remains same.
             b. Economics: there is no cost of manufacturing, distiribution and sales, but there is website setup cost (fixed cost), operating cost, and digital distribution cost. These costs depend on total sales. In the long run with hardware and software costs falling website operating costs will come down. Also on reaching scale economies in terms of sales, music can be provided to end customers at degree of magnitude cheaper rates. .
             BMG Approach to Internet.
             Before we look into this we need to understand consumer behaviour and industry dynamics.
             Customer behaviour and internet's impact: .
             By purchasing music, customer needs.
             o emotional satisfaction.
             o Peer pressure to fall into group of listeners of popular genre/artist. This will be typical in teenage and youth.
             Therefore customer buys records of :.
             o An established popular singer.
             o Or a hit/recommended record. Hit records in turn create popular singers in the long run.
             o And from a company that has decent credibility over the manufacturing and recording quality of cassette/CD.

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