According to Califia (1995):.
We need the forbidden and the unspeakable not only because.
it has intrinsic worth, but because it reminds us that we exist.
in a digitized culture where we are taught to crave food that .
does not nourish us, cookie-cutter relationships, clichés.
disguised as inspirations, religions without ecstasy, second-.
hand violence, third-hand sex, two-dimensional lives that.
are three sizes too small. (Pg. 11).
The source of censorship comes from our lack of compassion, our fear of difference, and our reluctance too see the cracks in our image of the truth. Censorship simply limits our social agenda for social change.
Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon are two radical feminists who take a strong stand against pornography. They define porn with an eight-part criteria, but the basis is that porn is "sexually explicit subordination of women- (Itzin 1992:435). Dworkin and MacKinnon believe porn should be banned based on their assumption that porn is the practice of sexual discrimination which sexualizes the subordination of women and which eroticises violence against women. The "MacDworkinite- approach goes as far as calling magazines like Cosmopolitan and Maxim porn, even though there is not full exposure of male or female sex organs. They base their analysis on the idea that if something causes sexual arousal then it can be considered porn. Their assumptions are absurd, if you take the example of a shoe fetish, for someone with this fetish a shoe can give them sexual arousal, but is that shoe actually considered porn it should not be. Pro-censors feel like there is no place in our society for such crude and dehumanizing material. MacKinnon has been quoted saying, "If pornography is part of your sexuality, then you have no rights to your sexuality- (Strossen 1995a:160). Pro-censors believe that porn instils the values of male dominance and female subordination, causing male power to be sexualized (Itzin 1992).