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Can a Women do a Mans Job Better?

While in 1989, the women that earned the same degrees were 33 to 37% of the graduates. (Frenkel, 1990) Now after the increase of earned degrees by women common sense would lead you to believe that the hiring increase rate of hiring for women in the workplace would increase as well. Think again, the hiring of women has only increased about 5%. What is the main reason for this incremental change, are women's bachelor degrees not as valuable, or is it that employers are just not taking into consideration the persons skills. The real question is does a man even need a degree to be qualified or is it who he knows that makes him qualified or not? I believe that women fight for the rights just as much as they did in the past and just because we live in a modern society there are people that still have ignorant mind sets about women staying in the kitchen and the man earning the money. During World War II thousands of women entered the workforce and did so call men's work due to the labor shortage of me due to the draft. IF women were good enough then, then they sure as hell are more than good enough now I don't think employers have a sort of obligation to hire the women, but in most cases when it comes time to electing a new president, the thought of her being female sounds like oil and water mixing. I don't feel that companies should hire more women over men, but that they hire based on one's credentials. Some companies sometimes feel that if they don't hire a certain amount of female employees a discrimination suit could filed on them which would in turn possible leading to the destruction of that companies reputation and future. The women in this country also hold a very small number of the higher-level positions. For example, a 1988 study found that only three CEO's among the Fortune 1000 were women, and only 1.7% of the CO's, CFO's and executive VPs were women (White, 1992).

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