superb musical organizations almost always attracted the most loyal and.
approving audiences willing to pay money to hear the band play.
To the musicians these bands where a source of pride. Talented.
professional musicians such as Patrick Gilmore, H.L. Clarke, Aurthor Pryor, and.
Simone Mantia devoted their lives to the performance of high quality band music. .
In the publics eye these phenomenal musicians were looked upon as "pop" stars.
are looked at today. Hundreds of other musicians saw this band movement as a.
way of finding good employment in the field of music. Perhaps the most famous.
band leader of all time, John Phillip Sousa saw this movement so enticing that is.
1880 he gave up a wonderful career in theatrical orchestra in order to conduct.
the U.S. Marine Band in Washington D.C. during this time the public and the.
players in these bands helped catapult the use of band music into a variety of.
settings, this catapulted bands into national consciousness. Far overshadowing.
the classical symphony orchestra in prominence and popularity, bands where the.
primary source if instrumental entertainment heard outside the home. Bands.
became social well as musical institutions and made them figures on the.
American cultural landscape. .
"Military parades with out music are like love with out kisses." This was a.
popular opinion of southern militia men in the 1880s and the connection between.
bands and military organizations was so fundamental that all types of band.
equipment such as uniforms, music and instruments were influenced by military.
practices. The term "military band" became a accepted name regardless of.
instrumentation, whether it be a reed band, or any mixed brass, regardless of the.
military status of the musicians. These circumstances helped many professional.
musicians find employment as a military bandsman. .
American military units are known to have hired musicians to perform at.
ceremonial and social functions before 1800 and by the 1830s most U.