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Treating Unwanted Children like Animals

            Treating Unwanted Children like Animals.
             Angle, the white Siamese full grown cat, was no longer wanted by his owners. His owners decided that it would be in the best interest for the cat if it found a new home somewhere else, so they traveled to the near-by pound. While walking through the crowded walkway full of barking dogs and meowing cats with angle in her arms, the female of Angle's owners felt guilty for leaving a so called family member behind in such a bad place. But her partner urged her on to let go, and she did. These animals are lucky compared to what we, the "superior" species, so to our young. These animals that are left by their owners got to live out some kind of life, whether it be a short or long one. But in pregnancies that are aborted, the unborn child does not get to live out any kind of life. By the 1900's, every state had outlawed abortion. The only exceptions were the cases where abortions saved the life of the mother. But by 1973, in the case of Roe verses Wade, 16 states had changed their laws and allowed abortion, even with the knowledge of how the abortions are carried out. In the first trimester, the method of abortion most commonly used is where the appointed doctor sucks the fetus out with a suction devise, and then scrapes the walls of the mother's uterus. In the second trimester, the fetus is taken apart piece by piece in the woman's uterus, and then removed. Even though a woman's rights are important, abortion should be outlawed in the United States because there are too many unsafe abortion clinics, and because breast cancer can be caused by aborting a pregnancy.
             One of the many accomplishments of America is the fact that women have rights and can depend on them. In the past couple decades, women have been able to vote, be actively participating in the workplace, and can't be discriminated against by law. So why do many people, both men and women, want to take away the right to abort a child away from women? The best answer to that is because it is murder, no matter how you look at it.

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