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Breast Feedin

The time.
             shared between the two, no one else can give. Mothers have time to realize.
             this special gift, she has brought into this world. Mothers who breastfeed.
             usually have a longer period of infertility after giving birth than do mothers.
             who do not breastfeed.
             Babies on breast milk feed about every three hours. The milk empties .
             from the babies stomach in just a few hours. The first two weeks of nursing,.
             you should weigh your infant. Most babies should weigh three to four .
             ounces more after nursing. As long as a baby is gaining about one and a half.
             pounds and growing one and a half inches each month, they are eating .
             plenty. Most infants continue to drink approximately eight ounces until they.
             are weaned. Pureed foods should be introduced at a proper time. .
             Introducing solid foods before four months old could actually be harmful to.
             their health. Since infants have not yet developed the jaw and throat .
             muscles needed for gumming and swallowing food, they are at risk of .
             gagging. They also do not produce the intestinal enzymes needed to digest.
             anything other than breast milk or formula. Babies are very good at .
             regulating their own food intake. Sneaking in extra calories could actually.
             pile on pounds they do not need. ( Black, Oct, 2000, Parenting, p.222 ).
             A mother's health is as important, when breastfeeding. A nursing .
             mother should eat plenty of whole grains and leafy, green vegetables and.
             drink lots of water and soups ( no milk or juice ); and be happy. Nursing .
             moms with poor diets or stress can make a mother's milk dry up. .
             They should wait until after nursing before dieting. They need about .
             twenty-five calories a day ( at least five hundred of which go to nourishing.
             the baby ). The best option for a mom is to stay active. Start with a daily .
             ten-minute walk, but avoid more rigorous activity for the first month or so.
             to give your body a chance to recover. If in need to exercise, try to nurse.

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