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Birth Control Options

The condom is used inside the woman's vagina and is 95% effective when used correctly (The Female Condom). Many users of the female condom have lauded it's benefits, such as an added feeling of control, the ease in purchasing the condom, and the low failure rate. Other consumers, however, have complained that the condom is difficult to insert, harder to find because not as many stores carry female condoms, and is more expensive than its male counterpart.
             Although both types of condoms have many advantages, such as stopping the spread of diseases and preventing pregnancy, there are disadvantages. Condoms break easily and holes can form almost instantly when oil-based lubricants, such as Vaseline, suntan oil or whipped cream, are used. Skin condoms are an alternative to latex for preventing pregnancy, but do not stop diseases from spreading. Polyurethane condoms prevent infection as well as pregnancy. .
             Oral contraceptives are also widely used. Several women take them daily, and they are safe to use with other forms of birth control, such as condoms. There are two types of oral contraceptives: combined "the Pill", and progestin-only "the Mini-Pill". Pills are the most requested form of birth control. Some women experience side effects--painful breasts, weight gain, nausea, headaches, depression--while others have none (Ingall). .
             Combined pills contain two hormones, estrogen and progestin, and prevent pregnancy by stopping the body from ovulating. The "Mini-Pill" contains only progestin. It works by thickening the cervical mucus so that the sperm cannot reach the egg. Combined pills are 99.9% effective, and the "Mini-Pills" are 99.5%. Neither pill protects the user from sexually transmitted diseases or infections. These pill may cost about $200 a year, plus the cost of a clinic visit, but it may be covered by insurance or Medicaid. .
             Two "birth control shots," or injectables, are available to women.

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