It has been claimed that this system would also prevent identity fraud and make driver's license a better way to establish identity. However, it is unlikely to prevent another attack like September 11th because the hijackers and others involved were established in their communities. The system would not be fool-proof because it could only be as reliable as the documents used to obtain it and even the most sophisticated technology can be compromised. All new technology is thought to be more secure than the last item on the market. This may just be a circle of spending money on security and the terrorists spending time learning the new way to cheat the system. This system would take approximately 315 million dollars to make the transition in driver's licenses and would initially be voluntary (Divis).
Right now in America, we use our driver's license as a legal document stating we have passed the test to operate a vehicle. It is also used as a backup ID for attaining other documents in our name. This ID tells our birth name, gender, address, eye and hair color, weight, height, and has our picture. The only requirement for carry the ID is while trying to prove your age or driving your car. The smart card would be required on your person at all times, no exceptions. The smart card must be on you at all times because there is a tracking device in it. It would be good for the government to know where criminals are at all times and have access to pull up their location at any time, but they have no idea of telling who will be a criminal in the future. Therefore, everyone is forced to allow the government to know their location. This seems to be about more control for the Government and less control of the people. I believe that is what we were fighting against when we won our independence.
After the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, "some people in the biometrics industry saw September 11th as a sales opportunity" (Buckler).