full of proverbial sentences, chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality as the means.
of producing wealth and there by securing virtue.6 .
Benjamin Franklin constantly tried to improve his mind and character. He did so by.
teaching himself how to read French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin. Over the years, he.
received honorary degrees from six different universities.7 He established a debating club.
called "Junto", which was devoted to morals, politics, and natural philosophy.8 He was a.
leader of his community, involved in many of the local movements. Yet, in between, he.
was able to find time to study science. He became interested in electricity when the.
Philadelphia Library received an electric tube. Franklin devoted much of his time testing it.
Franklin transformed electricity from a curiosity to a full-fledged branch of science.9 .
Benjamin Franklin is well known for the Kite Experiment. In 1752, by attaching a key to.
the end of the string from a kite and drawing electrical sparks from the key, he was able to.
be the first person to identify lightning as an electrical charge. His experiment gave him the.
proof he sought, and the letter he wrote on the subject gave him fame as a scientist.10.
Benjamin Franklin was also involved politically. He had many roles, a clerk of.
Pennsylvania assembly from 1736-1751; a member of that body from Philadelphia, 1751.
to 1764; deputy postmaster at Philadelphia,1737 to 1753; and jointly with William Hunter,.
postmaster general for the Colonies from 1753 to 1774.11 .
In 1754, Colonists were reluctant to cooperate, even though they were faced by.
common threats from their old rivals, the French, and France's Indian allies. Delegates.
from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New England met in Albany to negotiate a.
treaty with the Iroquois. Benjamin Franklin, the delegate from Pennsylvania, proposed a.
tentative plan of union that set up a general government in America to manage relation.