Minnesota winters are without a doubt known to be very windy, snowy, and of course, .
Each person prepares for the upcoming winter in his or her own way. Some .
hibernate, others move away to avoid freezing, and some just take it as it comes. But having a .
bed of coals is a must for some to survive. .
A bed of coals is the best friend a person could ask for. Since most people hate to be .
cold, especially if the person has poor circulation. People like this, prepare for Minnesota .
winters in a different way. Since getting ready for bed at night, now becomes a chore. Unlike in .
the summer when people can just jump into bed at night, now preparing the bed is important in .
order to fight the cold. The first step in preparing the bed of coals is turning on the electric .
blanket, makings sure it=s the bottom blanket (in order to warm up the ice cold sheets) and then .
piling five or six of the warmest, comfiest, blankets possible on top. Now the bed of coals is .
perfect for that particular person to hop right into for a good nights rest. .
A bed of coals is very similar to a sauna and very opposite of a walk in freezer. A bed of .
coals can easily be compared to a sauna since when getting into both, you become very warm, .
relaxed, and comfortable. Plus, when getting in a sauna or a bed of coals people find themselves .
so at ease and warm that, coming out is very scary, because of the fear of becoming cold. But a .
bed of coals is very opposite from a walk in freezer. Since when walking into a walk in freezer, goose bumps appear, and it=s a very cold experience. Plus people don=t enjoy being cold and .
therefore don=t spend to much time in the freezer. Unlike a bed of coals where there is a high .
supply of heat and comfort. Therefore causing people to spend much of there time there, .
sometimes not wanting to get out of the bed of coals in the morning. .
Now there is no problem if only the person who prepared the bed is the one sleeping in it, .