Perhaps no time in history have body image standards had such an enormous impact on society. With today's mass media, people can be subjected to thousands of images and messages daily portraying the "ideal" body image. The people most often portrayed and affected by these messages are young women in a variety of cultures. Females are constantly pressured to live up to the ideals that are often unattainable and extremely unhealthy. This pressure can cause detrimental physical and mental states. Why has the female body been pushed to the forefront in cultures and their society? The perception of beauty has been created in virtually every culture. Included are women in the United States and other countries such as Nigeria. All whom are also pressured to attain the "ideal" body image. .
The United States" obsession with health and diets along with the fashion industry and television that exhibit waif thin models as "sexy and voluptuous," communicate a distorted notion sending many young women the wrong idea about body image. In today's society the eating problems, such as anorexia and bulimia, are becoming all too common. Yet, the question still remains, what are the causes and factors contributing to this destructive behavior, and what kind of impact is the media contributing to these problems? (Simmons, 2002, pp. 143-144). .
Although there are a few studies on the issue of eating disorders the link between complications associated with malnutrition may have lasting effects in women's health such as, infertility, kidney dysfunction, and heart failure. Along with osteoporosis, dehydration and the depletion of neurotransmitters which causes depression. Also, malnutrition puts a large strain on the other body organs such as the immune system, the colon, and the urinary tract. All which can increase their chances of further life threatening complications leading to death. Hopefully with time more research will fill in some of the links to the enigma of eating disorders.