We assume we will live long and healthy lives. The reality is that we are all susceptible to illness. And when a .
loved one is stricken with a terminal affliction it is emotionally draining for everyone.
Watching an illness completely devour a person's mind, body and soul can be devastating.
. It is especially difficult when that person embraces life with much enthusiasm. When.
an illness takes over, life is no longer about accomplishing goals or enjoying the simple.
things in life. The affliction becomes life itself.
As human beings we have choice not to live in pain. We cannot inflict our own.
beliefs onto others. If the quality of life has deteriorated and life has become to painful.
we all have the right to end it with dignity. .
Jack Kevorkian, a proponent of euthanasia and assisted suicide has become a .
controversial figure in America. He believes individuals who have afflictions that are terminal have the right to end their lives. Using a "suicide machine" he developed, patients are allowed to administrate their own deaths by hitting a switch. It seem that .
the method used by Jack Kervorkian is relatively painless and quick. The pain suffered by patients with terminal diseases can last for years. If an individual's quality of life has deteriorated and life has become painful, doesn't he/she have the right to end it.
People opposed to assisted suicide consider Jack Kevorkian to be a murderer. .
The opposition consisting mainly of individuals with heavy religious convictions. Accept.
ing everything the bible states quite literally, they believe taking a life, even with the.
individual's consent is murder and a sin against god. Euthanasia should not be considered a violent act against an individual. If anything, it should be considered a service for people who have exhausted every avenue that is offered to them.