Some other way to deal with the prisoners had to be found, especially since .
their numbers were increasing with every arrival. .
The Nazis then discovered Zyklon B. It was a very effective gas. Since they were then able to kill more efficiently, .
they had to find a more efficient means of disposing of the bodies. Soon, mass crematoriums were erected, capable .
of burning 2,000 bodies in a single day. .
Upon arrival at camp, doctors made selections as to who would live and perform slave labor. The others would be .
gassed. Two lines would be formed, one going in the direction of the camp, and the other leading toward the 'shower .
rooms'. .
Those not selected for the 'life' line were told that they would be going to the showers for 'delousing'. They were .
made to fold their clothes neatly and put them in piles and march, naked, to the 'showers'. Those rooms were .
equipped with fake shower heads and benches and everything, but none of them worked. The Jews would be herded .
into these rooms and the doors would lock. Then Vents in the ceiling would open and granules of Zyklon B would .
be released. Within 15 minutes, they would all be dead. .
Thirty minutes after they died, they would open the doors and let it air out for two or three hours. Then they would .
send in slaves to remove the bodies, taking them to the crematorium. .
The prisoners chosen for the 'life' line had the worst fate though. The conditions at Auschwitz were unthinkable. .
Prisoners slept 6 people to a bunk, which was made for two. These bunks rose 6 feet high, sometimes with so much .
weight on the tops of them, they would collapse and kill all them ones underneath while they slept. Sleep was .
impossible for most though, beds were hard plank boards, over crowded and infested with lice, ticks and bed bugs. .
The rats were so bad that if a prisoners died in the middle of the night, the rats would have eaten him to the point .
where recognition was impossible.