Personal discipline has always been an important part of my life. I set high goals and standards for myself and always see them through. One example of this is scouting. I started at age six as a Cub Scout, completing the full Boy Scout program and reaching the top rank of Eagle Scout ten years later. .
With my father and grandfather as co-pastors of our church, I have always been very actively involved in church activities and functions. Growing up with a religious background has provided me with personal high morals and values. Starting at age twelve I have been actively involved in assisting my parents in the youth department of our church. The duties of this position have included craft instruction, puppet ministry, game preparation, and general leadership skills.
I have always persevered to be a first-class scholastic achiever. My study habits are fine tuned by my personal discipline through my many other activities. My goal at Penn State is to be the top of my class in the field that I am pursuing. I believe that Penn State will give me an excellent education that will enable me to fulfill my personal goals and ambitions.