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Antigone~Human Nature

This is a very important part of this drama. Antigone is going against the will of her King to say that the gods supersede him and because of this, it is okay for her to commit the act that she did. This declaration, given by Antigone, is validated later on in the play by the gods themselves. Through signs and through the spoken words of Teiresias, Creon realizes that his beliefs may in fact carry false pretenses and that the gods should be held in the highest regards. One of the last statements that Creon makes is, "Oh I've learned through blood and tears! Then, it was then, when the god came down and struck me" (1404-1406). .
             The importance of family is another aspect explored throughout Antigone. How far should a person extend for a family member? In this drama, Antigone believes that one should extend as far as possible, even if the result could be death. Polyneice, Antigone's brother, died while at war against the Thebes and because of this Creon refuses to give him a proper burial. Antigone decides to take matters into her own hands and burry him, defying the laws set by Creon. She feels that her brother was irreplaceable, unlike a child or a husband. Although this does not seem like much of a motive for her actions, Antigone has never known a child or husband. Because of this, these relationships seem less valuable to her than her irreplaceable brother. Her concern towards her relationship to her brother emphasizes a disinterest from the relationship to the children and husband that she will never have. Because of the love and devotion to her family, Antigone accepts the fact that she will never know marriage or the joy of children because of a premature death. To Antigone, the sacrifice is worthwhile and will in a sense make her a hero in the afterworld. The gods justify the actions of Antigone to Creon through the prophet Teiresias. Teiresias informs him that the gods side with Antigone and that what she did was not wrong.

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