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Now, the state and church are separated. The church was very forceful, and worked with a "swift hand." The newly founded city council allowed no room for change and expected all to abide by the political as well as the religious laws. If you didn't abide by any of these laws, you were exiled. ( Hillerbrand 4 ).
             This strict way of living brought about discontent. Therefore, bringing about a group of reformers who decided to take everything from the bible and interpret all of it as literal. They were known as fundamentalists. The bible scholars read and believed that there was only adult baptism in the bible, so that they felt that this must be the correct way to truly profess the faith. They didn't allow their followers to baptize their children; they had to wait until they were adults. In the year 1525, a group was established known as the Anabaptists. (Bender).
             Anabaptist is defined as: a member of a sect that denied the validity of infant baptism and practiced baptism of adults; this sect originated in Switzerland. ( Webster's 52 ).
             Anabaptism originated in Switzerland. Ulrich Zwingli was a Swiss reformer who organized everything with the Anabaptists in 1526. He and his supporters helped make Anabaptism known all through Europe. He wanted everyone to realize that their faith was superior. His mission was to show that adult baptism was the only acceptable thing, because in order to understand all you are undergoing you must be older. You can't understand anything as an infant. He refused infant baptism totally. Some people accused Zwingli of being overzealous, when others said he was truly motivating. (Knox 6).
             Another great reformer was Conrad Grebel. He was another leader who wanted Anabaptism known to everyone. He helped Zwingli with his mission. He baptized George Blaurock (ex-priest), who in turn baptized fifteen others who were assembled in a private home. They then celebrated the Lord's Supper as a memorial service, and a new community of believers was created.

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