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AIDS In Africa

             possibility infect others. Many people in the Africa are carriers of the AIDS.
             virus and are not even aware of it. .
             Several people have died as a result of Aids. Jeffery Bartholet of.
             Newsweek reports that since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, 14.8.
             million Africans have died from AIDS and 2.6 million AIDS deaths occurred.
             in 1999. It is estimated that during 1998, AIDS was responsible for an.
             estimated one million funerals in Africa. And the number of AIDS deaths is.
             One of the worst consequences of AIDS is the number of orphans it.
             creates. These children have lost one or both parents to this fatal disease.
             Because so many people are dying in Africa, the number of orphans in the.
             country is rapidly increasing. "Since the disease was first identified 17.
             years ago, 25 million children have lost one or both parents" (Benes 3). In.
             some areas of Africa, church groups have begun orphan-visiting programs.
             Women in the area visit orphans on a regular basis, providing guidance.
             and emotional support and helping with basic necessities. "A study in rural.
             Tanzania found that nine percent of children were orphans and fourteen.
             percent of households had at least one orphan" (Benes 3).
             Several businesses in Africa, have also suffered a loss due to the.
             impact of the AIDS disease. Many companies doing business in Africa are.
             bracing themselves for the worse. The management teams of the these.
             various companies don't know what to do because they know that.
             eventually their employees will become ill and perhaps die. As a result,.
             these employees can't do their job. This is causing many companies to.
             decline because of the lack of healthy employees. .
             The African economy will be faced with tremendous problems.
             because of the AIDS epidemic. Some companies have reported a doubling.
             of their health bills. In Botswana, companies estimate that AIDS-related.
             costs will soar from under one percent of the wage bill now to five percent.
             in six years, because of the rapid rise in infection in the last few years.

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