Hitler's speech amazed people. It was his genuine magnetism that drew people to come and listen. His speeches became a major attraction on the Munich political scene. He practiced his speaking technique quietly deliberately, trying different hand jesters in front of a mirror. Hitler had a gift of projecting his personal frustrations.
Defeat had brought more than humiliation. It caused inflation to rise every month. In 1920 the Nazi party had 193 members, half were laborers. The meetings often drew thousands. He borrowed the swastika symbol from a obscure political group in East In-dia. The swastika symbolized Nazism.
Adolf had a speech at the Beer Hall Putsh. Itt got out of hand and Hitler went to prison for treason. On April 11,1924 he received the minimum sentence of five years, but was recommended for early parole. Flowers and gifts came for him. He had became the hero of Munich. In prison he wrote the Mein Kamph (My Struggle) It talked about his hatred against Jews and Communists. Hitler said the Jews had conspired against the country for their own financial gain. It sold over 300,000 copies in Germany before he even came to power. .
Hitler left prison in December of 1924, stronger and more fit then ever before. As the country became more desperate and the party more unified, the Nazis` strength at the poles increased. In 1930 they attracted six million votes and came in second among the parties competing for power. They were growing more influential by the day. Hitler often refused offers he received from other political parties. Even the prospect of a cabinet post in exchange for Nazi support could not move him. In 1932 he ran for President against Paul Von Hindenburg. He almost beat Hitler, who gained 36.8% of the vote. The depression worsened, and violence in the street became common. In 1932 there were 6 million unemployed people in Germany. The President of Germany had responsibility for appointment of a chancellor, this man would run the government.