"(Lincoln). Lincoln himself was worried about what the effects of the war would bring. It was truly a test of the heart of the United States as to whether or not it could overcome such a trying time. Times ironically sparked by the same conflicts that ignited the American Revolution.
In such a time in American history, President Lincoln could not help but hope for brighter and more prosperous days as a nation. It seemed as if people had forgotten how and why they had become a nation in the first place. He had seen a nation divided, thousands of soldiers killed, families broken, and a sense of pride that Americans once shared shattered. Lincoln, knowledgeable of this fact pleaded with the Americans to once again, "have a new birth of freedom". (Lincoln). Lincoln hoped that by reminding the American citizens why this country was founded, they would strive towards a future where everyone could live freely and equally, not under persecution or oppression. Lincoln challenged the people of the time to put effort into the future. Not only did he want the nation to taste freedom once again; he called them "to be dedicated to the unfinished work". Lincoln through The Gettysburg Address was setting forth an enormous challenge to work together to finish the ideas and dreams set forth by our forefathers, not to hinder them with hatred and bitterness. .
Also, during the time of the Civil War, many controversial Constitutional issues arose. Abraham Lincoln had strong views and radical interpretations of the Constitution. According to Our Secret Constitution, How Lincoln Redefined American Democracy, by George Fletcher, Lincoln created a "Secret Constitution" in addition to the one created in 1786 by the founding fathers, through his actions.
The many constitutional issues raised during the Civil War brought a lot of attention to Abraham Lincoln and his alleged abuse of presidential power and blatant disregard for the Constitution.