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Pro-choice advocates take the first two views. The third view which is held by pro-life supporters states that abortion should never be legal under any circumstances. Today the second position has proven most popular most likely because people can choose the best points of each side of the issue. Again the pro-life argument on the abortion issue defines human life as beginning with conception. Medical research has proven that the fetus is a living organism from the moment of conception. Some may argue that a living organism cannot be considered a person, but what else can it be. Once the sperm and egg unite, the 23 chromosomes of each are brought together to form one cell with 46 chromosomes. Once this cell with 46 chromosomes is formed, that one cell has all of the DNA, the entire genetic code that makes up a human being. Everything which constitutes a human being is in that one cell from conception on it just takes time to grow and develop. Who is the one person able to claim at what minute in time a fetus changes from a living organism into a human being. The start of human life should not be a religious, moral, or philosophical issue since each and every person has their own morals and views. The beginning of life should be a scientific and biological issue. Science says that once the 46 chromosome cell is formed, the unborn fetus a living, developing individual with a unique genetic makeup. Pro-life advocates also argue that if an unborn fetus can be protected by the government in other cases, it should be protected under the Fourteenth Ammendment which guarantees that life shall not be taken without due process of the law. An unborn baby can be injured in an accident and later after being born can sue the person who injured him. A fetus is also able to inherit and estate. Why can this individual be denied life then? Pro-lifers believe that the fetus is a completely separate life from that of the mother.

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