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             After writing the "What I Know" paper I began my research. To begin my research I looked in the SIRS for articles about abortion. I was very surprised when about all of one binder was all about abortion. Abortion meant a lot more to the world than what I had thought. After reading the articles I had Ms. Hahn copy the articles that intrigued me most. They also contained the most information about my subject.
             Interview? Did I hear Ms. Hahn right? Yes, I did. The next thing we had to do was to do an in-person interview with someone related to our subject. My mind went into a state of chaos. Who would want to talk to me about abortion? One word describes how I got around to finding a person who I could interview - Hectic! I knew from the very beginning that people who had had abortions wouldn't wan to talk to me, so I decided to interview a doctor who either did abortions or a doctor who counseled people who had had abortions.
             Did you know that in the phone book, well at least in mine, they don't list where abortion clinics are or what their names are? They just list phone numbers. My mom and I called all the clinics whose phone numbers we had. We got the same answers over and over. People would answer us by any one of these remarks, "Sorry I can't help you!", "Call back later!", "No comment!", "No thank you." Or just flat out "No!" Finally after about a week of calling and bugging one place they agreed to an interview over the phone if I swore to use a fake name for the clinic and person who I was going to interview. Trying to find someone to interview was just an introduction of how much secrecy abortion involves.
             Later, I went to the library where I checked out 6 books and a video that I was psyched to watch. When I got home I watched the video and boy did it give me insight on my subject. It was about five totally different women who had all had abortions but because of different reasons.

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