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A Room Of One's Own

"(p.8) These are both way's that women were being suppressed in the Literary sense and intellectual exposure. .
             The next setting took place in London. The narrator went to the British Museum were see looked back on the day before and asked herself questions about the previous events. "Why did men drink wine and women drink water?"(p24) "Why was one sex so prosperous and the other so poor?"(p.25) In trying to find an answer to these questions she takes a trip to the British Library and tries to make sense of all the questions that came to her the day before. She looks in the card catalog for books written on the marvels and great things that women had written. While looking she finds a book which the professor that had written it points out the "mental, moral and physical inferiority of women,"(p.30) which shows the bias that was put on women of the day and that was based on unfair and inconclusive information. The narrator decides that the points had "been written in the red light of emotion and not the white light of truth."(p.31-32) By this quote that the book is saying that they were written in anger toward women and not knowing why the male race was angered. Was it possible that they were scared that they knew something in the back of their minds? That women were able to do what men were able and told people of the world that they weren't, so women themselves thought that they were inferior as well as the men did? The narrator also informs us off the 500 pounds that is given to her yearly from here Aunt Mary Beton. As she goes to lunch it infers how she inherits the money to pay the bills. In getting the 500 pounds a year she is free of having to do work and is in a position to forgive men. She now sees males as victims of their society and culture and it is somehow not their fault in the way they think and feel toward women. Her finical freedom ultimately gave her the ability to "think things in themselves.

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