" Meilander also adds that those abortions that Catholic teaching does allow are firmly limited to a meticulously prepared set of cases and "thereby avoiding the danger of justifying more than we had originally intended." In summary, according to Catholic teaching abortion its self is to be condoned unless the situation fits into the situations set aside by the church, e.g. if carrying the baby to full term will directly affect the mother's health or even cause her death.
It is a well known fact that Catholics are primarily pro-life, however, it seems safe to say that these "pro-lifers" are merely "anti-choice," and are campaigning to put women's futures and lives into the hands of the government. By masking their argument with "the word of God" most pro-lifers feel it is their duty to save the lives of the innocent and unborn. They are so adamant about their argument that they feel they have a solution to every problem an unwilling mother faces. They recommend adoption or assistance programs that help finance young mothers during the first few years of their child's life. What is not taken into consideration is this, the reality of the situation of adoption is that most of the potential parents looking to adopt are middle class white couples, most of the babies given up for adoption (or that are aborted) are of mixed race, and truthfully most of the potential couples do not want these children. This is why there are several year waiting lists for parents, and many children without homes that will grow up as wards of the state. As for the financial plans for young mothers, the truth is there is obviously not enough money to fund every young mother's first year with her baby so it is then put back into the hands of the pro-life funders to decide whose life is more important, a stance in which they are used to arguing against.
Pro-lifers are also out to get laws passed that would make abortion illegal, it seems as though they fight their fight and argue their points but have little to no thought of what will become of the child and the mother's future.