Also of great concern, is the crisis of over production by countries. This is essentially the "boom or bust" style of production seen in modern markets. In a healthy market, industry produces large quantities of a given product, usually surpassing the immediate need in expectation of later need. However is this later need is never met, these additional products are left to sit unused, thus de-valuing markets and economies, and decreasing the individual purchasing power of people. .
When capitalist markets are in full swing, some people get rich, but most merely hold at their current level of wealth, or even loose income. The longer the capitalist machine dominates the world, the more the select few become rich, and the more the rest of the population remains static or suffers a lose of a income. This is the growing inequality between classes. This inequality grows daily and becomes more extreme as one examines the more industrialized countries next to the less industrialized. As Kaplan states, "We are entering a bifurcated world. Part of the world, is inhabited by Last Man, healthy, well fed, and pampered by technology. The other part is inhabited by First Man, condemned to a life that is "poor, nasty, brutish and short." (Kaplan 60) Considering that analysts predict 90% of population increase will occur in countries inhabited prominently by the second type of man, this inequality will only increase with time. This brings us to our final, and most dangerous byproduct of global capitalism, the creation of a large, dissatisfied class. This class of people includes those who have either been left behind, or destroyed by the capitalist machine. They have nothing to loose by opposing the system, and everything to gain by its downfall. "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win." (Marx 500 .
With the world's wealth being distributed less and less widely, and fewer and fewer people succeeding individually, this class will only grow with time.