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A Summary Of "Predictable Crises Of Adulthood" By Gail Sheehy

            Going from each development period to the next, we learn new things about ourselves. Everyone goes through these stages at their own learning pace. By the time we have reached the end of a particular stage and it is time to advance to the next phase, we must leave behind certain aspects that will remain unaddressed until a future opportunity presents itself. We can accomplish certain goals, lose them, yet still gain them back as well. .
             As teenagers we try to discover our individuality. We experiment, doing things our parents are unaccustomed to in order to identify our "self." Since we don't look at our family as people who understand us, we join a group of people who do. Some of us may look for a connection with another person, but can cause us to remain dependent on our families financially and emotionally. This group or individual, in turn, become our new family. In time, these groups start to fade and we go back to our actual families. The teen years see us start to become an individual and identify a possible career to pursue, and to leave home physically, as well as emotionally.
             In our twenties, we go from finding our self on the inside to finding how to be successful. During this time, we have many more tasks to accomplish and the demand placed on us is great. During this period, we follow what we believe we should do. Some people try to find their career as soon as possible, while others try a variety of things to see what fits them best. The twenties also set the pattern of life that we will most likely follow for many years to come. In our late twenties, we may start to feel suffocated, which makes us want to be free of responsibilities. Also, we start to look towards more realistic goals to accomplish. Single people may look for a partner in life. Existing couples may find themselves wanting children. The wanting of doing something entirely new may appear as well.

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