Next, we will identify how the grandma's stupidity and continued selfishness connects to the demise of her family. After leaving The Tower, the grandmother wakes from her nap and begins the conversation that will unknowingly lead her family down their last road together. She remembered a plantation that she had visited once when she was a young lady. She seemed to have a very romantically intimate attachment to the place and begged Bailey to stop by so she could see it once more. She falsely added that there was a secret panel in the house with silver behind it. This was to invoke the children, because she knew that their father would give them what they wanted even if he did not listen to her. Bailey, of course, gave in and they turned around to get on the old dirt road. As they traveled on the old dirt road, Bailey told the grandmother that they were going to turn around if they did not get there soon. Just as she spoke the words, "It's not too much farther,"" the grandmother realized that the plantation they were looking for was in Tennessee rather than here in Georgia. This was such a shock to her, knowing that Bailey would be furious, that her reflexes caused her to kick the valise upsetting Pitty Sing, her cat. The cat jumped on Bailey's shoulder and caused him to wreck the car in a gulch. No one was severely injured. .
As the grandmother waved the hearse-like automobile closer, she waved death closer as well. It seems that the grandmother is always getting the family into all the fixes because of her stupidity and selfishness. These two attributes come from the fact that she has not realized that life does not revolve around her, nor does it always give her her way. The Misfit and his accomplices step out of their car and gain control of the family as the grandmother blurts out that she knows he is The Misfit. As her family is taken away to be killed, it becomes more real to the grandmother that not everyone is good.