days following the attack. Which included: "Dwindling hope: Identifying the bodies" and "Julie.
Welch will never see her future" (The Bomb) which told of the strife and anguish of the process.
of coping with the disaster. But the stories of the survivors was a much more drawn out process.
they wrote stories about them for the next year and a half. They included stories like: " A small.
victim goes home", "OKC Survivor believes she got a second chance" and, "Youngest victim of.
Oklahoma bombing." (The Bomb) I think that these stories were an invasion into the privacy of.
their lives. But on the other hand all the stories about the rescue of the people were good stories.
and were suitable for the media to write about. CNN did a few stories on the rescues of that day.
Stories like: "The limits of hope in Oklahoma City", "Search stress also hard on dogs", "OKC.
rescue winds down","Search for bombing survivors ends"and, "Firefighter details experiences in.
book". (The Bomb) This attack wasn't done by someone who was foreign to this country but this.
was done by a fellow American citizen. That terrorist attack forever changed the way we as a.
county felt. Most people felt the they were no longer safe from this type of incident that was.
happening everywhere around the world but here. The media was for at least a part to blame for.
the way that the country was reacting. Media on the whole has a tremendous effect on the way.
the country sees everything form who, what happened and how it happened to what is going to be.
done about it to keep it form happening in the future.
But as history would tell we didn't figure out what needed to be changed and improved upon and then the terrorist struck again on our home soil. The next major terrorist attack on our.
home soil wasn't from a U.S. Citizen this time, but a foreign group form Afghanistan. In this.
attack they took over four airplanes: the first plane was flown into one of the World Trade Center.