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             is essentially writing the rules for a new global economy that really doesn't incorporate the.
             concerns of workers, environmentalists, and consumers," stated Chuck Collins.
             www.cnn.com, Lefevre.
             The latest WTO meetings took place in Seattle from November 30th to December.
             3rd. These negotiations included the WTO's built in agenda to reduce trade barriers in.
             agriculture and services as well as many other areas. .
             www.wcit.org/wtoseattleprimer.html, fact sheet. This is to help trade flow as free as.
             possible without any trouble. Businesses would benefit from this because they could get.
             their products sold and shipped through out the world in a short period of time. The.
             WTO also serves to help any business that may have trouble while trying to trade their.
             goods. At the heart of the system, there is a rules-based structure and the principle of.
             non-discrimination. These rules are in place to help keep trade flowing smoothly through-.
             out the world. The WTO has more than 45,000 tariff's concessions affecting $10 billion.
             of trade, about one-fifth of the world total, www.wcit.org/WTOseattleprimer.html, Fact.
             At the Seattle meetings, there were thousands of people and organizations.
             protesting the WTO. They protested everything from clean air, sea turtles, and child.
             labor, www.seattletimes.com, Postmen. These people wanted their voices to be heard.
             and to get the message across that they don't like the way the WTO is being run and they.
             want to see change. The biggest disruption was at the Washington State Convention.
             Center. There was an estimated 50,000 people there, many tried to delay the arrival of the.
             delegates, www.seattletimes.nwsource.com, Postmen. The goal of many protesters was.
             to prevent the meeting from taking place. They built a human wall outside the convention.
             center and would not move for the delegates or the police. The biggest organized protest.
             was led by the Ralph Nader group. This protest was planned for more then a year.

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