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             "speak easies". The urban cities were booming. All this social change.
             created a cultural war between the urban cities and rural America. The .
             people that lived in the urban cities had consumer appliances, such as irons,.
             washing machines, and dishwashers that made their at home work time much.
             shorter, allowing them more time to do things they want to do. People in .
             rural America didn't have such conviences so they became very jealous of.
             urban life. They criticized the city, calling life there corrupt. One of the .
             biggest battles is that involving religion. People in the city believed that the.
             bible's rules could be "bent" a little, and that the bible was subject to .
             interpretation. On the other hand, rural people followed what the bible said.
             literally and stayed with traditional values. A priest, Aimee Semple.
             McPherson,represented Americans trying to hold on to their original religious.
             roots. She used a modern method, the radio, to get out a traditional .
             message. There was a social battle over the teaching of evolution in schools.
             The rural Americans didn't want to accept this modern idea, and they wanted.
             the teaching of it banned. Tennessee is the first to make it a law that .
             prohibits the teaching of evolution in schools. The ACLU steps in and .
             proclaims that any teacher who breaks the law will get free representation by.
             them. The city of Dayton has the first teacher to break the law, John Scopes.
             At the trial, the defense attorney puts the prosecutor on the stand and makes .
             him slip up and admit that the bible is subject to interpretation. The law fails. .
             Mass consumerism starts up in the twenties. People start buying durable .
             goods, house appliances, cars, etc., on credit and with financing. Rural .
             traditionalists hated this because now people were falling into credit debt due.
             to machines. So, this prosperity of the twenties was artificial due to credit.
             This era started several things in to motion that have effected the way we live.

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