Our experience is based on 3 - years' intensive research of tiger movements, home range size, and behavior based on a radio tracking study in Sikhote-Alin Reserve and in southwest Primorye - the first research of its kind for the Amur tiger. The Hornoker Wildlife Institute also has extensive experience in developing conservation plans for other large carnivores (for example, mountain lions, brown bears, jaguars and leopards). Therefore we can help the Russian government to develop a frame work for conservation that has worked for other large carnivores in other countries. It will of course be necessary for the Russian specialists to adopt those components of this program that are feasible in the unique conditions of the Russian Far East. We hope that we can work together towards that goal. We realize that a comprehensive conservation plan for the Amur tiger will involve many components: anti-poaching, ungulate management, enforcement of CITES regulations, research, environment!.
al education, as well as habitat protection. This plan is limited to the discussion of the criteria needed to select habitat for protection, a proposal on what lands should be incorporated into a core area, recommendations for zoning lands for tiger conservation, and a proposal on how planning should proceed in the future.
This proposal is split into five sections: 1) an introduction; 2) a discussion of the criteria that must be considered in developing a land-use plan for tiger conservation; 3) a description of a proposed core network of protected areas; 4) a description of additional lands that must be zoned for tiger conservation; and, 5) a discussion of the future work that needs to be done to successfully carry out this plan.
Tiger Habitat Protection Plan.