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Word Of Mouth

             - 0% from radio.
             - 1% from billboards.
             - 4% from TV ads.
             - 4% from print ads.
             - 15% from magazines.
             - 40% from referrals by colleagues or family.
             Obviously, it is important that the marketer has an understanding of WOM because it works. Understanding the motivation behind word of mouth is the first step in stimulating people to talk about a product. It's important to recognize that talking is not an incidental activity we engage in when we don't have anything better to do. It is rooted in some basic needs we share with other living creatures. The reason for this is that statistics indicate that every unsatisfied customer tells at least eight people about their unpleasant experience. People tend to readily talk about unsatisfactory service and yet what you want is to have them talk about great service. This is why the marketer needs to do research of their customers.
             Word of Mouth Marketing researching has been neglected for years because many believe that there has been enough researching people's attitude, opinions, expectations, wishes, hopes and fears " the very things that drive word of mouth. Also, most marketers think that nothing can be done about word of mouth anyway. .
             Another important tool for WOMM is research. It is not enough to research the underlying determinants of word of mouth. You need to know the issues and concerns that your prospects actually communicate: what your prospects and rejecters are actually asking, saying, and how they are responding to the information.
             Most companies allocate huge sums of money for researching advertising, sales aids, and other promotional materials. They spend little money or time researching WOM issues. Research into WOM can answer questions on how a company can more effectively promote products or services to their specific market in the educated technophiles of the world today. .

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