Despite all the arguments the League of Nations Covenant was rat!.
ified at Versailles on April 1919. The League consisted of a Council, an Assembly, and a Secretariat with a Permanent Court of Justice added in 1921. The Council was made up of the Allied power nations and four other members selected by the Assembly. The Assembly consisted of all League members and all had equal voting rights. The issues dealt with being anything affecting the participating members or anything that affected world peace. .
The League of Nations was the first union of nations of its kind and did have its share of problems. States could join and leave whenever it was convenient thus reducing the Leagues collective security and at one point 17 states withdrew their membership or were evicted some states included Germany, Japan, Italy and the Soviet Union. The isolationists" movement in the 1920's by the United States took its tole on the League's collective-security ideology. The League's powers in the 1930's were in doubt due to its helplessness when major powers were involved mainly the events around WW2. One of the last acts of assembly was the expulsion of the Soviet union at the same time Adolf Hitler threatened the whole of Europe. The worlds first intergovernmental organization (IGO)of that level had failed, and on April 1946 the League of Nations ended its existence after several years of inactivity.
In war time 1942 the idea of a new international organization was in composition, and its goals were not to repeat the follies of its predecessor the League of Nations which was still in formation but inactive and misdirected. On January first nineteen forty-two representatives from 26 nations pledged alliance to the Allied forces in their fight against Adolf Hitler and the Axis powers. The name "United Nations" was devised by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was first used in the "Declaration of United Nations" January 1st 1942.