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I may come to a conclusion quickly yet ponder it long enough to develop another solution. Is my original idea the truth or is the resulting factor? Zedong argues that truth is both developed and verified through practice. Perhaps there is truth in both beliefs. There is as much truth in an original idea as in one that has been developed and practiced. It just may not be verified or presentable. Sometimes, the ability to present a truth is as important as the truth itself. For example, a newspaper reporter cannot simply take a story as truth without verifying it through research. They cannot present this story to others until they have developed it and verified it through research. This is why presentation plays such a big role in defining truth. You must be able to present a truth.
             An opposing view to Zedong's beliefs is presented by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki in The Meaning of Satori. Suzuki states that "we dissect it [truth] and by dissecting it, we kill reality." He goes on to say that "when we have finished our analysis, we have murdered reality and this dead reality we think is our understanding of it." Suzuki means to say there is not necessarily truth in one aspect of a belief but we must look at the entire picture. This is from a Buddhism belief system stating that we must grasp truth in its entirety. Buddhism believes there is great value in relationships. Everything in the universe is related in a way and we must apply this to grasping truth. We must use all aspects to find the whole picture. This can be applied to finding truth. We must not try to separate what will bring us to a truth. We must grasp this as a whole. .
             William Clifford helps to define truth by stating in The Ethics of Belief that truth may exist without being proved with sound evidence, although, this is usually accomplished by stifling our doubts. We may push our doubts to the back of our mind and take a belief as true but this is both dishonest and unpresentable.

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