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Odd One out

             Dermott is odd one out because of his size. His "mum-mountain" tries to protect him, but in the class room she is unable to provide protection. "mum-mountain" compares his size to his mother and how insignificant he is compared to her. This is a form of showing odd one out as we see form Dermott's perspective that he hates school, and is very eager for his mothers protection. Since Dermott is at school then we must not consider him to be a young child. At school Dermott is not in ratio to the "rough boys" and "in classroom and corridor and the wild yelling yard, Poor Dermott, toe-trodden and shoulder shoved" is obviously an odd one out that is because of his size and his reliance on his "mum-mountain". .
             The Larson cartoon depicts a penguin that is in a situation where conformity is not forced upon you but chosen. The penguin is definitely not conforming to the rest of the group as he is above the crowd and singing "I gotta be me; oh I just gotta be me". This is an example of rebelling as the penguin is not following the majority.
             Girl, Interrupted shows Susanna Kaysan being an odd one out because of her ideas on the societies norms, and her medical conditions. Susanna is thought to be crazy as she "chased a bottle of aspirin, with a bottle of vodka". She also views society differently to others. "Have you ever confused a dream with life? Or stolen something when you have the cash? Have you ever been blue? Or thought your train moving while sitting still? Maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was the 60's. Or maybe I was just a girl. interrupted." This shows that she is different from everyone else and that she choose not to conform because she was psychologically disabled. .
             Susanna is though conforming to the rules and the regulations of the mental ward, and is not rebellious in a violent manner. She is more widely accepted, as her views of society's norms and ideas are beginning to conform to the rest of the world.

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