By 1946, he had continued his education and earned his master's degree ,from Washington.
State University. Four years later, he received his Ph.D. from the University of California.
at Berkeley.(Flashbacks).
Leary resumed his career in psychology by becoming an assistant professor at the.
University of California at Berkeley for the next five years. In 1955, he became the.
director of psychological research at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland,.
California, where he worked for three years. During that time, he wrote several texts on.
psychology, including the manual Multilevel Measurement of Interpersonal Behavior and.
Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality; A Functional Theory and Methodology for.
Personality Education. Private and governmental agencies, including the Central.
Intelligence Agency (CIA), widely used the personality tests Leary designed.(Flashbacks).
Leary's life took a dramatic turn in 1958 when his first wife, Marianne, committed.
suicide and left him with two children to raise (Susan and John). Her death forced him to.
take a closer look at his own life. In his book High Priest, he wrote "I awoke to the.
consciousness that I was trapped in a dark room, in a hastily constructed, thin-walled,.
stage prop home in Berkeley, California. I was a rootless city-dweller. An anonymous.
city employee who drove to work each morning in a long line of commuter cars, and.
drove home each night and drank martinis and looked like and acted like severalmillion.
middle-class liberal intellectual robots." He reacted by taking a leave of absence from his.
job and taking his children to Spain.(Flashbacks).
Leary's first mind-expanding "trip" resulted not from chemicals, as it did for the.
remainder of his life, but from the delirium he suffered due to severe illness in Spain. As.
soon as he recovered, he wrote a letter of resignation to his employer and cancelled all his.
insurance policies. In 1959, he returned to the United States and took a position as a.