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Thorton On Religion

             to starting wars, or even moving from one hunting ground to another. When the African .
             slave trade began along the coastal places of the different countries in Africa, the Africans.
             had their own methods of worshiping the god or gods that they beleived in.
             ATLANTIC WORLD", Tornton speaks of the Europeans who had invaded the African.
             continent pg 13 and their belief in a god who controlled the universe. It seems that .
             Tornton in his research of the Africans came upon documented ideas pg 236.
             that the Africans believed in a place that you passed into after you left this lifepg 236 .
             the Europeans it seemed believed in the same theory. The Europeans at that .
             time were fully initated into their christian religion. Tornton speaks of the Africans .
             believing in a place pg 237 where you go after death to meet your love ones, .
             and you are guided by the now highly spiritual beingspg 237. If then the .
             Europeans believed pg 237 place after death why were the Africans treated in that .
             manner by the Europeans during the slave trade? In Professor Henrik Clake's book.
             Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust, he speaks of the African religion as a deep.
             rooted stem.(insert foot note) Once the Africans began practicing their faith they .
             did not deter from it. Thornton continues his research on the African religion by .
             drawing reference to the fact that pg 237 the Africans did believe in a place where .
             you could communicate with your loved ones who had passed on to this other world. .
             The Europeans did not in any way believe in this dogma. .
             pg 239 Tornton continues his explanation of the African religion when he .
             discusses the interventation of sprits from the other world sending messages to their .
             loved ones here on earth. By the symbol of dreams, and messages relayed by their.
             spiritual counter parts the Africans were able to rule and conquer their opponents .

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