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Human Inventiveness and Fates Worse Than Death

             could be titled worse than ever. When you get old it is more common that you will .
             reside in a retirement home as a result of your own flesh and blood's lack of time. You .
             will stay there until you die and the worse thing is that .
             in most cases the people long for death as a result of lonelyness and isolation. .
             Kurt Vonnegut demonstrates in his lecture at the St. John the Divine the enormous will .
             of humankind to survive. It is obvious that we want life to go on and on and on. In the .
             past ,expectation of life never excelled over the age of 60 and nowadays thanks to .
             modern medicine it is possible to get a lot older. We have researched a lot of medicine .
             to keep us healthy and alive. Is it acceptable to increase ones life and delay death by .
             years because of the use of medicine? What would happen if you are involved in a big .
             car crash and you are not able to use your hands, arms and legs anymore afterwards .
             Imagine having to stay in bed for the rest of your life without moving, Modern medicine .
             could allow any individual to live on, which can certainly be seen as a fate worse than .
             death. But maybe we wont get that old to spend our last days in life in retiremnet homes .
             or evenmore belong to those happy and forunate people not dependent on medicine.
             Vonnegut exhibits that we will gradually blow up everything. He draws a simile with the .
             dinosaurs size to the inventiveness of humankind. Perhaps the side effects of another .
             invention forces us to a different fate worse than death.
             The invention of autombiles or in general of maschines is a different kind .
             of problem we face in present. Since the car was invented the airpollution rose .
             enormously so that in some parts on this planet you can't leave your house without .
             wearing a breathing mask! But it gets even better. We all know of the hole in the ozone .
             layer which is caused by waste gases, cars and any kind of emission by the human .
             race.Nature gets polluted in every kind of way and as a result of this new diseases like .

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