In Fates Worse Than Death, an autobiographical collage of the 1980's, the reader .
gets acquainted with a Kurt Vonnegut non fiction postmodern narration. Vonnegut .
normally, like partly in this lecture, combines science fiction, social satire and black .
comedy. In this case he clarifies, with a satirical and ironical tone, the inevitable fate of .
death which every living organism sooner or later has to face.
Vonnegut illustrates a fate which seems to be worse than death like cruzifixion and .
others which at first seem worse than death like the results of our inventiveness or .
slavery. Vonnegut demonstrates ironical how politics and how science could be used to .
create effects not always beneficial to humankind. In this paper i will examine the .
possible consequences of our inventiveness that could evolve to particular subjects and .
issues in the future which could be regarded in some sense as fates worse than death.
Over decades there have been several inventions that have influenced us or have .
become part of our lives. The invention of the cigarette, or tabacco in general, is .
certainly an invention which has had a greater influence on mankind. If we take a good .
look around in our everyday living environment we will recognize that the majority of .
our fellow citizens consume nicotin. Although it has been proven that smoking can cause .
different kinds of diseases like lung cancer. Furthemore if you start smoking at an early .
age as a teenager you could develop physically underdevelopment at a latter age. My .
analysis is restricted to the existance of humankind.upon closer consideration of fates .
that are caused by the inventiveness of humankind.
A few decades ago the family structures were quite different.In earlier times there were .
nearly always three generations living under the same roof and it was normal to take .
care of the elderly yourself. Nowadays the fates of our older citizens are uncertain and .