According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word.
meanings, including the difference between males and.
females. The .
word gender in today's society has a negative.
connotation, in that gender's .
meaning is controversial pertaining to gender roles,.
gender gap, and gender .
stereotypes. For instance, gender roles can be used to.
describe the typical .
tasks that are associated with being either male or.
female. As time .
progresses the gender gap will continue to merge and.
gender will no longer .
have a negative connotation. .
Saying that women and men are traditionally supposed.
to perform certain tasks .
places many restrictions on the word gender. Gender.
role stereotypes refer to .
the oversimplified expectations of what it means to be.
a woman or a man. It .
would be stereotypical to believe that a woman's place.
is in the kitchen, and .
at the same time to assume that a man's job is to.
financially support the .
family. Most women today are strong willed and.
perfectly able to take care of .
themselves. Just the same, today's man is not only.
concerned about his .
muscles, but also if his belt matches his shoes. .
When looking at a job application the word gender.
appears as one of the questions. Should .
we ask ourselves why the employer needs to know such.
details when all that .
should matter is experience and work ethic? In today's.
day and age .
we are coming closer to breaking gender roles. Women.
are majoring in building .
construction, while men pursue careers in nursing.
This is evidence that .
people are beginning to view the term gender with a.
positive outlook. In the future,.
the attitudes and behaviors of both men and women will.
come together.